The history of Mastromarco House is linked to the history of Noci.
From about 1500 to the present day the territory of Noci was the subject of disputes with Mottola before, and as a result of bitter struggles between the municipality of Noci, (former university) and the emerging middle class that was the intent, achieved largely, the usurpation of public lands, thus depriving citizens to take advantage of the civic uses as the ability to collect firewood, water, acorns, etc. ears.
This was THE QUESTION STATE PROPERTY of the town of Noci.
An endless story that lasted more than 500 years. Not having the intention to bore the reader with minute details, and sending back those who want to know so much more to the existing literature on the subject, I will dwell only at the epilogue question of state property in Noci.
After various legal proceedings, the common policies of Noci can have at the end of 1800, two extensions of land, one in the area of Poltri and one near Bonelli and the adjoining farm. A far-sighted policy, social and economic, for those times, means that that land is assigned to indigent citizens.
Born the famous "games" that are nothing more than extensions of land corresponding to a tomolo Noces equivalent to about 0.8 hectares.
The "games", each assigned to a family in difficult economic times, with so many mouths to feed, undergo a process of transformation worthy of the best virtuosity of microeconomics.
The scope of these fields is bounded by stone walls (from the transaction on the dialect of "closures") are built one or more trulli (they were distant times of blind and wild bureaucracy), it built a pigsty to raise an annual pig, for the existence of the family, you made the farmland with stone clearance and the resulting material (stones) was used to build the artifacts as stone walls, trulli and the excess was accumulated.Is to plant a row of vines in the shelter of stone walls around the perimeter, or as a "pergola" in front of the trulli, the cultivation of the vine was joined by the construction of an underground container and tin, called in dialect "u pilasce" where he prepared the mush bordolese: a mix of lime and copper sulphate for the prevention and treatment of pathologies of the screws.
In sloping ground they run the terraces (real expression of a concept of land protection divorced from brilliant minds hyper paid currently taking decisions on matters completely ignored).
Still, they built the hives for honey production.
As for the architecture, the trulli were built on the alcove area of 06.04 square meters in which slept the large family with ten children, a central trullo with some feeder animals that lived together with people, there was a small cistern (well) for the collection of rainwater, a fireplace large enough relative to the size of the place, a wood-burning oven for making bread but also for dried figs already dehydrated in the sun and that represented a supply energy of food for the winter.
The food stocks like preserve, dried fruit and other would squeeze itself where there was space in soppalcature cone trulli or even under the bed.
Some trulli, trunks and end with stone staircase on the cone, served as a barn for cattle food storage. The family, owner of the said structure microeconomic (land and houses) lived integrating the income of agrarian micro company offering work wage in large farms, that the rising bourgeoisie had built with the usurpation of public lands.
The dissertation was made effective in the past for land and Trulli, also for Dimoramastromarco.
The socio-economic changes of recent decades have meant that the fate of these precious reality of agrarian economy are no longer to be proposed.
In the past, the trulli have represented material for new construction (as history tells us) or sometimes were destroyed, buried or taken apart and reconstructed in the villa of some wealthy.
Fortunately this process has been applied to a very small percentage of the architectural heritage. Other trulli have been abandoned on land and farmers are not in economic conditions to perform a restoration.
The trulli of Dimoramastromarco have suffered the fate of historical memory.Have been restored by skilled craftsmen according the tradition, by limiting to a minimum the use of concrete (when the touchy Italian bureaucracy allowed it) and favoring the use of traditional materials like stones is, lime, sand and chaff (straw finely chopped) used as a binder in mortar and currently replaced by the noble plastic. How far could you kept the old plaster, the mangers of the cattle, the original floor (dismantled and reassembled), the old plants of orchards and gardens.
Reluctantly it built something new unrelated to the tradition as a swimming pool with extensive use of stone and gazebos in wrought iron, stone and screws as cover for the new use tourist-receptive.
Plants, new planting, were chosen in the tradition of the place (olives, grapes, strawberry trees, broom, brambles, jujube, mountain ash, mulberry, azarole, rosemary, mint, oregano, wild strawberries and others, according to season, guests can use them. Finally in order to respect the old manners in Dimoramastromarco there is always a vegetable garden, summer or winter, with organic products, not bureaucracy, but only fertilized with manure and without use of chemicals.